The Electronics group at Politecnico di Torino is involved in the design and analysis of a variety of digital, analog, and mixed-signal circuits, architectures and systems. Investigated implementation technologies include CMOS VLSI circuits, FPGAs, multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip and Networks-on-Chip, Microsystems, reconfigurable architectures and embedded processors. The research focuses primarily on the implementation of multimedia and transmission systems, electronics for space applications, ambient sensing and processing, FPGA-based software acceleration, hardware-software codesign, deep submicron circuit analysis and optimization. The group also works closely with researchers from other engineering disciplines and with industry experts.
Research groups
Ambient sensing and processing
CodeSimulink: Automatic synthesis of analog circuits
Microelectronics Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
High-performance software acceleration on heterogeneous CPU/GPU/FPGA platforms
Mechatronics Group (LIM)
Microwave and Optoelectronics Group (MOG)
Neuronics (Artificial Neural Networks)
Micro and nano electronic systems (VLSILAB)
Zero Robotics