The Department of ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (DET) is the point of reference in Politecnico di Torino for the following areas in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): telecommunications, electronic devices, circuits, technologies and systems, electronic measurement and characterization techniques, as well as electronic bioengineering and mechatronics.

The Department promotes, coordinates and manages basic and applied research, training, technology transfer and services to the local community in the areas of electronics, electromagnetic fields, telecommunications, electronic bioengineering, electrical and electronic measurement, circuit theory, control and mechatronic engineering.

Department NewsRSS feed

DET Talk on Friday, July 12, 2024
Friday, July 12, 2024

Unlock the Potentials of Large-Element-Spacing Antenna Arrays

2:00 PM at Sala Riunioni DIMEAS P3

Aurora Bellone

International recognitions of our "Metrology" Talented Reaserchers

Congrats to Aurora Bellone for winning Best Poster at ICOP2024!

Tuesday, July 9th

Understanding the Firearm Ecosystem in the U.S.

10:00 AM - DET "Maxwell" Room, Corso Castelfidardo 42/A, Torino

Nanodevices and Networks for Brain-Inspired Computing
Wednesday 3rd of July 2024

Colloquium on Nanodevices and Networks for Brain-Inspired Computing

14:45 - Energy Center Auditorium Politecnico di Torino

DET Talks
26 June 2024

Det Talks: Dynamic Distributed Computing for Autonomous Vehicles

11:00 AM - Sala Maxwell, DET

DET-Talks events
June 18, 2024

Det Talks: Implantable Electronics for a High-Fidelity Artificial Retina

10:00 AM - Sala Conferenze "Luigi Ciminiera" (DAUIN) - Corso Castelfidardo 34/A, Torino

TIM Innovation Labs by ECE Students

Visit to TIM Innovation Labs by ECE Students

On Tuesday, June 4th, a group of ECE students guided by Prof. Andrea Carena, visited TIM Innovation Labs in Torino.

Advanced R&D at ST Microelectronics on Silicon Photonics for Emerging Applications
Monday, June 10, 2024

Advanced R&D at ST Microelectronics on Silicon Photonics for Emerging Applications

Discover the new applications of STMicroelectronics' Silicon Photonics technologies PIC25G and PIC50G, such as Datacom transceivers, LiDAR, integrated optical gyroscopes, biosensors, and quantum cryptography.

15.00 - Sala Maxwell, DET, 5th Floor


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SRS (Strategic Research Segment) Grant

Stefano Grivet-Talocia receives a Strategic Research Grant from Intel

DET is proud to announce that Prof. Stefano Grivet-Talocia has received for the third consecutive year a Strategic Research Segment (SRS) Grant from Intel, to conduct collaborative research on numerical modeling of high-performance computing systems.