Electromagnetic Signature of Edge-Structures for Unexploded Ordnance Detection

This project attacks the problem of detection and imaging of buried objects or concealed weapons on a broad front where alternative techniques that are developed in the participating units are combined to obtain reliable and efficient solution to the problem.

The project is related to high resolution imaging radars that employ electromagnetic waves to illuminate the objects of interest, receive the scattered field and finally process the received data to recognize the objects of interest. All the research topics and objectives of this project aim at improving the knowledge and the state of the art of the international context.

Class International project
Status Completed (28/02/2009)
Type Consulting and Research Contracts
NATO - Science for Peace
Lenght 24 months
  • Tel Aviv University (Israel)
  • Petersburg Department of the Steklov’s Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
  • University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
Web site Project site