Microwave and Opto-Electronics
(Opto-)Electronic materials by design
A neural based comparative analysis for feature extraction from ECG signals
Battery management
Characterization and modelling of microwave devices and circuits
Chip level EMC measurements
Complex system approach to microwave circuit stability assessment
Deep neural networks
Efficiency and reliability of visible and UV light emitting diodes
Efficient sensitivity simulation of semiconductor devices
Electro-optic and Electro-absorption modulators
Electromagnetics and food
EMC design techniques in power electronic systems
Extension of the direct modulation bandwidth of semiconductor laser diodes
Far-infrared image sensor design
Full-band Monte Carlo electron transport simulation
Hardware and Software solutions to reduce the electromagnetic emission of power modules
High-speed switching power semiconductor devices
Integrated current sensors for smart power applications
Intruder recognition using ECG signal
Linearity-aware design and experimental characterization of multi-stage integrated power amplifiers
Load variation tolerant hybrid and integrated power amplifiers
Microwave circuit and system design
Multiphysics CAD of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs)
Multiscale physics-based modeling of optoelectronic devices
Noise device simulation
Nonstationary topological learning: the G-EXIN neural network
Photovoltaic devices
Quantum Cascade Lasers for generation of optical frequency combs in the Mid-IR and THz range
Reliability of wireless sensor networks in harsh enviroments
Semiconductor quantum dot lasers for generation of optical frequency combs
Semiconductor devices for microwave power applications
Si and III-V photonic integrated circuits
Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuits: Experimental characterization of passive components
Silicon Photonics Integrated Circuits: Semiconductor lasers
Smart multi-sensored modular autonomous pipeline monitoring
The Growing Curvilinear Component Analysis (GCCA) Neural Network
ULVE: Ulcer verification
VITAL-ECG: A portable wearable hospital
Wireless communications systems in harsh and hostile environments