Microwave circuit and system design
The design of microwave circuits has been one of the core activites of the research group during the last 30 years. Circuit design has mainly concerned power microwave amplifiers on GaAs and GaN technologies, but also the modeling and design of RF and baseband predistortion stages and of other RF blocks (mixers, oscillators, LNA). Circuit design was based on circuit-level transistor models and on behavioural modeling of power amplifiers, but also on a strong experimental activity on the power characterization of microwave devices, with particular attention to the development of active load-pull systems up to 40 GHz. During the last few years, part of the research activities of the group have been focused toward multistage high power (>100 W), high frequency amplifier, using conventional approaches and innovative strategies (e.g. the Doherty scheme) both concerning design and characterization issues. Several contributions were also made in the area of passive circuit modeling and design (with particular attention to Coplanar Waveguides), and of the stability analysis of microwave circuits.
ERC Sector:
- PE7_2 Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems
- PE7_5 (Micro and nano) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components
- PE7_6 Communication technology, high-frequency technology
- Microwave circuits
- Microwave devices
- Microwave Doherty amplifiers
- microwave passive components
Research groups
- PIROLA MARCO - Manager