Low-cost space systems and technologies
Development of innovative technologies and systems for low-cost space systems, in particular nanosatellites and CubeSat. All the developed methodologies are focused on the use of commercial components and techniques to increase reliability and availability. Development of low cost avionics, mostly for nanosatellites. Development of innovative techniques at different levels of the design: circuit level to mitigate effects of faults and radiation-induced single events; circuit level to improve reliability by using COTS components; system level to improve modularity, reusability, and testing of components and subsystems, mechanical level for innovative embedded mechanical functions (deployable solar panels, miniaturized reaction wheels, harness embedded into mechanical structure); software level to mitigate effects of radiation-induced loss of data and functional interruptions.
ERC Setor:
- PE7_2 Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems
- PE7_11 Components and systems for applications
- PE6_3
- PE8_1
- Aereospace engineering
- Fault tolerance
- Nanosatellites
- Modularity
Research groups
- Applied Electromagnetics
- CodeSimulink: Automatic synthesis of analog circuits
- Electrical and Electronics Measurements
- Nanosatellites
- Zero Robotics