Quantum Cascade Lasers for generation of optical frequency combs in the Mid-IR and THz range
We develop numerical tools to study the multi-mode dynamics of unconventional bipolar semiconductor lasers emitting in the Mid-IR and THz region of the electromagnetic spectrum known as Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL) using a set of Effective Semiconductor Maxwell Bloch Equations.
This approach properly accounts for peculiar features of radiation-matter interaction in the QCL such as a small, but finite, linewidth enhancement factor, a fast gain recovery time mediated by photon-phonon scattering.
Both in the standard Fabry-Perot configuration and in the ring configuration, that can be easly integrated on a photonic chip, we explore the space of realistic geometrical and physical QCL parameters looking for favorable conditions for efficient Four Wave Mixing and other nonlinear phenomena that triggers self-organization in the form of Optical Frequency Combs (OFCs).
OFCs are a set of equidistant optical lines characterized by low phase and amplitude noise that in the Mid-IR and THz range are applied to high-resolution molecular spectroscopy in biomedicine and to free space optical communications.
This research work is carried on in collaboration with theorical and experimental partners at Università dell’Insubria in Como, Politecnico di Bari, CNR-INO in Firenze, TU Wien and Harward University.
Erc Sector:
- PE7_3 Simulation engineering and modelling
- PE7_5 (Micro and nano) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components
- PE7_6 Communication technology, high-frequency technology
- Quantum cascade lasers
- Optical frequency combs
- Mode-locking in QCL