GNSS positioning security

Intentional and non intentional transmission of radio signal on the GNSS bandwidths is one of the major threats to the accuracy and reliability of the position estimation process. This research activity tackle this issue addressing Jamming and Spoofing detection and mitigation. While jamming aims at degrading the performance (up to full blinding the positioning receiver), spoofing is more sophisticated, being the transmission of fake navigation signals in order to force the receiver to calculate and erroneous position.  Deetection is based on statistical inference of the presence of the disturbances and requires advance signal processing algorithms (given the very low power of GNSS signals, below the nise floor), while mitigation is performed through signal conditioning algorithms  in time, frequency and transformed (e.g Wavelet, KLT) domains. Mitiagtion is based on the design of processing algorithms, filtering  and coupling with other sensors. At signal level design, research is addressing authentication and cryptographic algorithms for the new generation of GNSS.


ERC Sector:

  • PE7_6 Communication technology, high-frequency technology
  • PE7_7 Signal processing


  • Satellite navigation systems
  • Jamming

Research groups
