Aerial platforms for sustainable 5G networks

The research activity aims at investigating the integration of High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPSs) as aerial network nodes in mobile access networks, to tackle the increasingly demanding challenges in the deployment of 5G networks and to promote a sustainable transition towards 6G.

The group activities focus on exploiting HAPS to expand the network capacity in extremely densified urban areas, trading off sustainability and Quality of Service, and to address peak traffic demands in case of sporadic events, emergency situations, and natural disasters.

Furthermore, the potential of HAPSs as aerial edge nodes featuring caching capability and computational functionalities is evaluated, with the twofold objective of increasing flexibility and efficiency in content distribution, and tackling the need for carrying out high complexity and real time computational tasks, to support urban mobility and massive IoT based services in future smart urban ecosystems.

Several approaches including network modeling, energy and resource management techniques, machine learning and AI solutions are exploited to explore these research topics.

ERC Sector:

  • PE7_8 Networks (communication networks, networks of sensors, robots...)


  • Computer networks
  • Mobile communications HAPS
  • 5G/6G
  • Sustainability
