Category: Seminars and Conferences
State: Archived
Monday, June 10, 2024

Advanced R&D at ST Microelectronics on Silicon Photonics for Emerging Applications

15.00 - Sala Maxwell, DET, 5th Floor

Speaker: Dr. Antonio Fincato, ST Microelectronics

Abstract: Silicon Photonics has been developed at ST Microelectronics, leading to
the PIC25G and PIC50G technologies. Initially, this technology was mainly aimed at
supporting communication in data centers, but recently there has been growing
interest in new types of applications. After a description of the 300 mm Silicon
Photonics platform, some applications such as transceivers for Datacom, LiDAR,
integrated optical gyroscope, biosensors, and non-classical implementation of light
for quantum cryptography will be shown.
During the seminar, some opportunities in ST for Master Degree and/or Doctoral
theses on these topics will be proposed.

Dr. Antonio Fincato has been working in the field of Photonics for over 30 years,
developing devices based on various integrated technologies. In 2000, he joined
STMicroelectronics, where he is responsible for the design of advanced photonic
components. In the last 12 years, he has been working in the field of Silicon
Photonics, and his interest concerns applications in the telecommunications and
sensor sectors.

Monday 10 June 2024,
Sala Maxwell, DET, 5th Floor
15.00– 16:15 Seminar
16.15-17.00 Coffee break and informal discussion

For further information: