Biomedical signal and image processing and classification

Biomedical signal and image processing and classification is a dynamic field of specialization in academic and research aspects of biomedical engineering, focusing on the extraction of physiological qualitative and quantitative information from the acquired data. Our research groups have specific expertise in the development of instrumentation and innovative algorithms for the acquisition and processing of numerous various biopotentials and biomedical signals, including, but not limited to surface electromyography, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, cardiac variability, and near infrared spectroscopy. Our research group also has specific expertise in the field of medical image processing, focusing on the development of completely automatic techniques for the recognition, segmentation, rendering, quantification, and finally classification of medical images. Throughout the years we have acquired expertise in the processing and interpretation of images coming from various imaging modalities, including but not limited to ultrasounds, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, PET, confocal and microscopy imaging. An accurate processing and classification of these data allows a deeper analysis and understanding of the autonomous nervous system activity, and morphological and functional characterization of biological tissues and organs.

ERC Sector:

  • PE7_7 Signal processing
  • LS7_1 Medical engineering and technology


  • Biomedical signal processing
  • Biomedical image processing
  • Classification, interpretation

Gruppi di ricerca