Human motion analysis

Human motion analysis is a fundamental tool in different areas including rehabilitation, sport science, ergonomics, robotics, and human activity recognition. This rResearch activitiesy is are characterized by the design, development, optimization and validation of methods, including algorithms and hardware, for the analysis of human motor capacity and performances.
The technological solutions and expertise available allow to perform a multi-factorial and multi-resolutions analysis of the human activities both within and outside the laboratory. Thanks to the adoption of meawearable sensors and multichannel recording systems is possible to provide reliable and out-of-the-lab measurements of human movement, usable not only in clinical and home-care setting, but also in other unrestricted and/or uncontrolled environments, such as gyms or sporting clubs.

Motion analysis is not limited to the study of movement-event timing and joint kinematics, but it is combined with the evaluation of muscle activation patterns through surface electromyography (EMG). In particular, this research group has a long-lasting and extensive experience in gait analysis, as well as in the study of postural balance. For what concerns gait analysis, the research activity is focused on the extraction of clinical digital mobility outcomes, the automatic assessment of muscle activation patterns during physiological walks of hundreds of gait cycles (“Statistical Gait Analysis”), the evaluation of muscle fatigue, muscle synergies, as well as on the development and validation of novel techniques for the interpretation of the variability of muscle activation patterns in cyclic movements.


ERC Sector:

  • PE7_9 Man-machine-interfaces
  • PE6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing


  • Biomechanics
  • Wearable sensors
  • Gait analysis
  • Electromyography (EMG)

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