Quantum computing: Quantum devices and technologies
The new quantum era is expected to have an unprecedented social impact, enabling the research of tomorrow in several pivotal fields. These perspectives require a physical system able to encode, process and store for a sufficiently long amount of time the quantum information. However, the optimal engineering of currently available quantum computers, which are small and flawed by several non-ideal phenomena, requires a deep understanding of their fundamental behaviour. Hence, there is an unmet need for the development of reliable hardware-aware simulation infrastructures able to efficiently emulate the behaviour of quantum hardware that commits to looking for innovative systematic ways, with a bottom-up approach starting from the physical level, moving to the device level and up to the system level.
The Quantum Computing group at VLSI Lab is working on the development of a classical simulation infrastructure for quantum technologies (NMR, nanomagnets, semiconductor quantum dots, QKD networks) based on compact models, where each device is described in terms of the main physical parameters affecting its performance – such as EM fields, Zeeman splittings, T1/T2 time constants, J-couplings, g-factors – in a way sufficiently easy from a computational point of view for providing accurate results – such as the distribution of eigenstates and the fidelity – without involving sophisticated physical simulators, thus allowing the scaling of the number of qubits to be simulated.
Erc Sector:
- PE7_3 Simulation engineering and modelling
- PE7_4 (Micro and nano) systems engineering
- PE7_5 (Micro and nano) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components
- Nuclear magnetic resonance
- Semiconductor quantum dots
- Quantum computing
- Molecular nanomagnets