Embedded systems for bee health monitoring

The bee pollination process has always had an invaluable impact on the entire globe. As a result, the health of beehive colonies becomes crucial in preserving our environment.

Pesticides, extreme agricultural exploitation, parasites and pollution are seriously jeopardizing the health of beehives across the country.

This line of research analyzes the most appropriate electronic technologies to preserve the health of bees by integrating different sensors on a single IoT system in order to create an economical and reliable board that can be installed inside the hives, even in remote areas supporting beekeepers.

Erc Sector:

  • PE7_2 Electrical engineering: power components and/or systems
  • PE7_8 Networks (communication networks, networks of sensors, robots...)
  • PE7_11 Components and systems for applications


  • Environmental monitoring
  • Agriculture
  • IoT systems
  • Beehive monitor
