Biolab Laboratory

Biolab image Biolab is a laboratory devoted to the design of biomedical instrumentation, the development of algorithm for data, signals, and medical image processing and interpretation, and the execution of experimental sessions. 

Several personal computers and the principal instruments (scope, digital analyzer, …) to be used for the development of electronic circuits are available for the development of sensors and equipments. The instruments that are present in the lab for the experimental sessions are a gait analysis system, a force platform, an electromyograph, an electrocardiograph, and an ultrasound system.

Tipologia Laboratorio di ricerca
Sede Cittadella site, south side building, third floor, room codes R3AD44 and R3AD45
- Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
- Castelfidardo 39
Telefono +39 011 090 4207
Dimensione Capacity of 12-14 persons
Sito Web BioLab site