Vectorial Expansion Functions for Singular Fields

This project has been supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research in the amount of 157,143 Euro.

This research project has developed new numerical techniques in the context of the Finite Element Method and the Moments Method to correctly take into account the singular behavior of the EM field in the neighborhood of wedges/tips.

In particular, the project addressed the following problems:

  1. to define higher order or hierarchical singular vector bases on curved patches;
  2. to obtain the correct singularity of the bases by working only with a parent coordinate representation;
  3. to derive good testing procedure near singularities;
  4. to define and work with optimal meshes near singular points;
  5. to assess the convergence of the singular bases and their modeling capabilities.

Some of the project results are patented: R.D.Graglia, G. Lombardi, “Numerical modeling process of singular vector physical quantities of a body, relative system and software product,” PCT IB2004/002856, Sept. 2, 2004.

Ambito Progetto nazionale
Stato Concluso (31/01/2005)
Tipologia Progetti di Ricerca su Fondi Strutturali e Nazionali
Durata 24 mesi
Budget 157,143 euros