ULVE: Ulcer verification

ULVE is a program for the analysis of pressure, diabetic and vascular ulcers, which permits to make an objective assessment of the state of the injury simply using a smartphone and a reference marker to be placed near the area of interest. The application, therefore, allows the doctor to remotely monitor the evolution of ulcers without the patient having to go to the clinic. The functionalities supported by the application are the following: Acquisition of the photo (manual); Segmentation of the lesion (automatic); Area calculation (automatic); Tissue analysis (automatic). ULVE is a non-invasive tool for the patient and its use allows the doctor to have objective and quantitative feedback on the state of the injury. The image acquisition process is simple and low-cost. Furthermore, the application supports the process of treatment of ulcers improves the quality of care, helps to recognize and quantize the tissues constituting the ulcer and Improves the monitoring of the healing process. Finally, the system automates clinical documentation, improves communication and collaboration for method sharing, reduces the days of hospitalization, promotes home care and promotes telemedicine.


ERC Sector:

  • PE7_11 Components and systems for applications
  • PE6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing (e.g. speech, image, video)


  • Image processing
  • Telemedicine
  • Neural networks
  • Ulcer analysis

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