Si and III-V photonic integrated circuits
Next generation computer architectures need effective, low-cost optical interconnects. Silicon photonics offers the possibility to integrate electronic and optical subsystems for O (1260-1360 nm) and C (1530-1565 nm) infrared bands.
The present industry standard for the design of waveguide photodetectors and optical modulators is a multiphysical approach, coupling electromagnetic and carrier transport numerical simulators.
For this purpose, our group developed three-dimensional, coupled optical and electrical simulation techniques, able to address the complexity of state-of-the-art detectors and modulators. In collaboration with industrial partners, realistic, physics-based electromagnetic and electrical simulation frameworks have been developed, keeping into account e.g. complex dopant and compositional profiles. The techniques have been applied in particular to germanium-on-silicon waveguide photodetectors integrated on Si platforms, considering different waveguide coupling methods, and exploring both p-i-n and avalanche detection schemes.
ERC Sector:
- PE7_3 Simulation engineering and modelling
- PE7_5 (Micro and nano) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components
- PE7_6 Communication technology, high-frequency technology
- Silicon photonics
- Photodetectors
- Germanium-on-silicon detectors
- Waveguide detectors
Gruppi di ricerca
Persone di riferimento
- GOANO MICHELE - Responsabile