Far-infrared image sensor design

We have developed a set of simulation tools that allow the determination of the electronic, optical and transport properties of the narrow-gap semiconductor alloys used for advanced mid- and long-wavelength infrared imaging arrays. Starting from this first-principles information, we are working – also with industrial partners – towards the optimization of high-operating-temperature small-pitch focal plane arrays (FPAs). For this purpose, the group has developed numerical techniques for the simulation of the optical and electrical response of FPAs in realistic, broadband illumination conditions, making use of finite-differences time-domain (FDTD) and finite-box codes for the electromagnetic and electrical simulation. Novel techniques have been developed to apply the FDTD electromagnetic simulation to complex HgCdTe-based heterostructures with arbitrary composition profiles.

ERC Sector:

  • PE7_3 Simulation engineering and modelling
  • PE7_5 (Micro and nano) electronic, optoelectronic and photonic components


  • Infrared detectors
  • Semiconductor device modeling
  • HOT infrared detectors
  • Optical crosstalk

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