Digital architectures for post-quantum cryptography
Although large scale quantum computers are not yet practical, they are expected to offer huge processing speedup over conventional platforms. In particular, thanks to the capability of solving in polynomial time problems which today show superpolynomial computational complexity on a conventional computer, quantum computers will be able to break currently used asymmetric cryptography systems.
Therefore, new cryptography systems resistant to a quantum computer equipped attacker have been studied and proposed. The decoding of an error-affected codeword with a general linear error correction code is one of the most promising solutions. The aim of this research activity is to advance the state of art in designing and implementing hardware architectures for code based
Currently, this activity is jointly developed with a number of partners, including Telsy, TUM, Università Politecnica delle Marche, and Politecnico di Milano.
The activity is partially supported by Telsy and the European projects TRISTAN and ISOLDE.
ERC Sector:
- PE7_4 (Micro and nano) systems engineering
- PE7_7 Signal processing
- Digital integrated circuits
- Cryptography
Gruppi di ricerca
Persone di riferimento
- MASERA GUIDO - Responsabile