Mathematical biology and physiology
The activity of the group is devoted to the processing of signals or images extracted from biological and physiological systems and to the development of mathematical models for the interpretation of the recorded data. Applications are mainly focused on the investigation of physiological systems or on the development of new biomedical tools. Recent works concern the simulation of spiral waves using a model of electromechanical coupling in the heart, the investigation of the central venous pressure by estimating the pulsatility of inferior vena cava, the study of a low-cost kinesiograph, the investigation of the dynamics of pupil (and its use for the human-machine interaction), the investigation of magnetic resonances of patients with Chiari malformation, the analysis of signal complexity, the investigation of multiple responses to stress, the development of innovative methods for the processing of electromyogram (with applications to the removal of crosstalk and to the estimation of the mean firing rate of motor units), the study of populations of neurons and the introduction of new methods for cleaning and extracting information from electroencephalogram (with applications on brain-computer-interface, diagnosis of encephalitis, study of deficit of consciousness).
ERC Sector:
- PE7_7 Signal processing
- PE7_9 Man-machine-interfaces
- Biomedical signal processing
- Biological system modeling
- Biomedical image processing
Gruppi di ricerca
Persone di riferimento
- MESIN LUCA - Responsabile