VLSI Laboratory

VLISLab image

The VLSI laboratory is a research center in the field of integrated circuits design. It was founded in 1987 at the Politecnico di Torino and it is located in the Electronics Department building.The VLSI Lab members staff, currently including 4 Professors, 7 researchers and several Ph.D students, has steadily increased over the last years both in number and expertise. The VLSI lab is active in a broad range of research areas related to the field of Very Large Scale Integrated circuits, and is strongly committed to the education mission of the Politecnico di Torino. Its staff is currently offering several courses for undergrads, graduate and postgraduate students enrolled in the electronics, telecommunications and computer engineering careers.  The VLSI Lab has a vivacious activity as is involved in many research projects together with national and international academic and industrial partners, has a wide database of published scientific and technical papers and of theses (past and available) and encourages an active collaboration with italian and foreign institutions aimed at the exchange of students (graduate and PhD) and researchers.

Type Research laboratory
Site Cittadella site, south side building, third floor, room code R3AD46
- Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
- C.so Castelfidardo 39
Phone +39 011 090 4004
Dimension Capacity of 20 persons
Web site VLSI Laboratory