iXem Laboratory

iXem Labs are a component of the LACE (Laboratorio di Antenne a Compatibilità Elettromagnetica) of the Electronic and Telecommunications Department of Politecnico di Torino. The field of activity is mainly related to the assembling of wireless transmission systems and the realisation and management of wireless networks.

The Labs are made up of two Units, the main one being set in the new premises of the Electronic and Telecommunications Department, in corso Castelfidardo, Torino, Italy, the detached one being set in Verrua Savoia (TO), Italy.

iXem Staff includes one assistant professor, temporary researchers, PhD and postgraduate students and some external collaborators. The Labs manage a MKM experimental wireless network with permanent Hops in the following locations: Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy, passo dei Salati, Alagna Valsesia, Italy, Arcello, Pianello Val Tidone, Italy, Valluga, Sankt Anton am Arlberg, Austria.

Thanks to an agreement with Acquedotto del Monferrato, the Labs manage an underground radiocommunication test facility.

Type Research laboratory
Site Cittadella site, south side building, third and fourth floor
- Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24
- C.so Castelfidardo 39
Phone +39 011 090 4210
E-mail info@iXem.org
Web site iXem site