Clinical studies

In tight collaboration with several health professionals from different specialties (cardiology, diabetology, endocrinology, hematology, neurology, neuro-ophtalmology, neuro-surgery, oncology, anatomical pathology, orthopedy, physiatry, physical therapy, radiology, sport science) and the main hospitals of the Piedmont area (A.O.U. Molinette - Città della Salute e della Scienza, Presidio Sanitario Gradenigo, Presidio Sanitario San Camillo, A.O. Ordine Mauriziano, Clinica C. Sperino – Ospedale Oftalmico,  Ospedale Michele e Pietro Ferrero - Verduno) this research group has gained an extensive experience in the design and management of clinical studies, including protocol drafting to require the approval of Institutional Review Boards and Ethical Committees and clinical data management.

The research activity is aimed to devise technology-based rehabilitative interventions and patient-centered rehabilitation protocols, to develop and validate objective outcome measures to assess patients at various stages of their pathology, to document their follow-up in longitudinal studies, to quantitatively evaluate changes after a treatment.

This activity is characterized by non-invasive quantitative measurements obtained through innovative biomedical sensors, devices and systems, and the analysis and interpretation of biomedical data, signals and/or images. This research group also focuses on the design, development, introduction and clinical testing of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions to enhance medical imaging. A high number of different observational studies have been carried out, involving hundreds of patients (and controls).


ERC Sector:

  • PE7_9 Man-machine-interfaces
  • PE6_11 Machine learning, statistical data processing and applications using signal processing
  • LS7_1 Imaging for medical diagnosis


  • Medical diagnosis
  • Medical expert systems
  • Biomedical signal processing
  • Biomedical image processing

Gruppi di ricerca